Respond Blog

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Translating Housing Resources for Immigrants

“Immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable to a range of human rights violations, including violations of the right to adequate housing. Displaced persons are also particularly vulnerable to discrimination, racism, and xenophobia, which can further interfere with their ability to secure sustainable and adequate living conditions.”

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Climate Cardinals UN Child's Rights Report

Translating UNICEF Climate Change and Child’s Rights Report into 7 Languages.
Climate Cardinals, a partner of Respond’s since the summer of 2020, is an international youth-led nonprofit working to make the climate movement more accessible to those who don’t speak English…

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Translating Vaccination Toolkit Resources

Respond collaborated with South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) to translate the “We Can Do This” vaccination toolkit which included information about COVID-19 vaccines. The materials were translated by Respond translators into Bangla, Nepali, Tamil, Arabic, Hindi, and Urdu.

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Translating powerful poem for AAPIs

Respond was thrilled to partner with the amazing filmmaker Kitty Hu, to translate a powerful poem, written for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Respond translated the poem into Bangla, CHamoru, Guyanese Creole, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Nepali, Punjabi, Tagalog, Tamil, and Urdu.

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