Respond Blog

Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Since January 2024, our East Asian Languages Team has supported 111 cases across 17 languages

Respond Crisis Translation has been doing a little bit of restructuring, and part of that has been moving many of our smaller East and Southeast Asian language teams from the LFR team to a new East Asia team, which combines those languages with our Chinese languages team. This will hopefully allow for even more care and attention to each of our language teams, and we are so excited to get to work with everyone!

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

359 asylum cases translated by Respond’s Brazilian Portuguese team since January 2024


Since January 2024, Respond has helped 424 people directly (without the intermediation of another organisation). We never charge individuals, which means we use funds, resources from other organisations and a lot of voluntary work. The main cases have been related to asylum seekers or people trying to rebuild their lives in another country.

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Em Wilder Em Wilder

Respond’s French Team helps clients win asylum cases in 2023

2023 has been a particularly difficult year, witnessing many upheavals and crises around the world, and the French Team, as always, has contributed to making the world a better place.

It was also a year of growth for the French Team, ending with a total of 106 linguists based in 30 countries around the world ..

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Em Wilder Em Wilder

Respond’s Marginalized Languages Team helped over 100,000 people access asylum information in 2023

The Less Frequent & Marginalized Languages (LFM) Team made huge strides in 2023 to uphold Respond Crisis Translation’s values in our fight against language injustices around the world, particularly for speakers of marginalized and Indigenous languages! The LFM Team is a truly global collective of language activists, with members across 86 countries representing over 100 languages!

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Guest User Guest User

Respond Crisis Translation Snapshot 2022

Dear Respond Community:
The solidarity we’ve experienced throughout 2022 has blown us away. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve continued to mobilize to help Haitians and Afghans, and answered the call to support Ukrainians fleeing the war, and so many others …

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Guest User Guest User

Respond Newsletter Fall 2022

Dear Respond Community: Our hearts are heavy with sorrow and worry as the people of Iran rise up in protest of the Islamic Republic. We are thinking of all of our sisters and brothers and of all the oppressed. We are thinking of young women like Jina (Mahsa) Amini, our Kurdish peers, the Baha'i, Afghan refugees, and LGBTQ communities…

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Guest User Guest User

Haitian Creole Team Updates

The wonderful translators on our Haitian Creole team worked on several projects in June 2022. Here are some highlights:
The HC team provided oral interpretation services for Las Americas in partnership with VICE News for a piece where they interviewed Haitian asylum seekers. (Publication TBA). They also …

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Guest User Guest User

Newsletter January-June 2022

There is so much happening in the world that pulls us in many directions. One thing we know, the Respond community, has each other’s backs. Since the beginning of 2022 we’ve mobilized to help Haitians, Afghans, Ukrainians, and so many others.

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Newsletter-January 2022

To the incredible partners we work with--grassroots collectives and mutual aid groups mobilizing everyday to support their communities, immigration attorneys and legal assistants, educators, therapists, social workers, organizers--thank you for trusting us to partner with you in your critical work. And for the kindness and energy that make us feel so grateful and excited to continue to do this work with you everyday.

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Update on the work of our Haitian Kreyol team

We wanted to share an update on the incredible work our Haitian Kreyol translators and Team Leads have been able to accomplish. Thank you to everyone who supported the mutual aid fund which has helped make all this work possible…

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