Team & Volunteer Spotlight
Nico Demers
Ukrainian <> English
“As a Ukrainian living abroad, it has made a big difference for both my studies and daily life. It has added security to my life abroad and enabled me to help others in similar situations at the same time.”
Anastasiia Korohodova
Ukrainian <> English <> Russian
“I have experienced firsthand how important it is to be able to express yourself clearly and state your needs coherently when in a vulnerable position. Let's be honest, it's hard enough to do in your native language!“
Tetyana Grygoryeva
Ukrainian and Russian Translator
“Knowing that my work supports my Ukrainian people, makes me feel complete and gives me a sense of being useful.”
Aaron Moshe Kennet
Russian and Ukrainian Translator
He grew up surrounded by Jewish Russian-speaking immigrants and was always curious about what his peers and friends were saying amongst themselves. As a result, Aaron took Russian classes and continued his Russian studies in high school and college in the states.