Krystel Alexandre

Haitian Creole Team

Krystel Alexandre is the founding leader of Respond Crisis Translation´s Haitian Creole team, which consists of 40 translators to date. She has led the Respond Haitian Creole team to translate and interpret for over 100 cases. She has also facilitated the translation of dozens of important educational, medical, and legal resources for the Haitian diaspora in the U.S. and Mexico. You can read about some of her work here.

What do you when you´re not volunteering with Respond?

I serve as the Administrative Business Partner for the office of the CTO at Google Cloud.

What motivates you to be a part of Respond?

When I moved to the United States 19 years ago, I did not speak English and I myself needed people to translate for me. So now, being able to help on the other side, is a great thing. When I first started translating cases, there was an instant connection. Knowing that I am using my language skills to help someone in need motivates me.

What is most challenging about this work?

When working with clients, especially those who are detained, there are so many layers of complexity to work through so that clients can feel comfortable sharing the immense challenges they are going through. I often feel that I need more time than there usually is on the call to be able to build rapport and trust with the client so that they can open up with me and know that the questions we are asking are to help them get to the other side. The key is being sensitive and trauma-informed in order to create the safe space that will allow the client to share.

In terms of protecting myself from the trauma, I know that I can´t give 100% of myself when I am not 100%. So when I need to, I give myself a day, and then get back to the work.

How has volunteer work had an impact on your life?

This work makes me appreciate the little things and not stress so much about things that are outside of my control.

Can you share a fun or little-known fact about yourself?

I know how to drive a stick shift :-) Perks of growing up in a foreign country

Favorite word in any language?


Fundadora del equipo de Criollo Haitiano

Krystel Alexandre es la líder fundadora del equipo de criollo haitiano de Respond Crisis Translation, que consta de 40 traductores. Ha dirigido al equipo Respond de criollo haitiano para traducir e interpretar más de 100 casos. También ha facilitado la traducción de docenas de importantes recursos educativos, médicos y legales para la diáspora haitiana en los Estados Unidos y México. Puedes leer sobre algunos de sus trabajos aquí.

¿Cuál es tu título profesional y/o a qué te dedicas (¡cuando no te estés desempeñando como voluntaria/o/x con Respond Crisis Translation!)?

Soy Administrative business Partner para la oficina del CTO en Google Cloud.

¿Cués son los idiomas que traduces?

Haitiano Criollo.

¿Cómo te enteraste de Respond?

Ariel [fundadora de Respond Crisis Translation] contactó al grupo de Google Haití en busca de haitianos para traducir algunos documentos, decidí ser voluntaria y el resto es historia.

¿Qué te motiva a ser parte de Respond Crisis Translation?

Sabiendo que estoy usando mis habilidades lingüísticas para ayudar a alguien que lo necesita.

¿Cómo ha impactado tu vida el trabajo de voluntariado?

Me hace apreciar las pequeñas cosas y no estresarme tanto por las cosas que están fuera de mi control.

¿Nos cuentas un dato curioso sobre ti?

Sé cómo conducir un automovil con transmisión manual :-) Ventajas de crecer en un país extranjero.

¿Cúal es tu palabra favorita en cualquier idioma?

Respect! (¡Respeto!)


Valentina Callari Lewis


Dudu Koné