Respond Blog

Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Uplifting Haitian voices speaking their native tongue: Respond helps bring sexual violence advocacy to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Late one Friday afternoon in early March, one of our partner organizations, the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH), contacted me with an urgent request: to translate and subtitle a video from their Haitian partner organization, the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI) discussing the fight for justice for victims of sexual violence…

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Guest User Guest User

Being The Voice of Hope-By Valentina Callari Lewis

Thank you to the wonderful interpreter from the Bengali team for working with us, and thank you to all the wonderful interpreters at Respond who are the voice of hope to detainees and people facing language barriers!

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

days one and two

by Ada Wordsworth
I have now spent two full days on the Polish/Ukrainian border. To be honest, I can’t remember two more tiring or emotionally draining days – but that’s no surprise. My respect for people who work with displaced people full time, already high, has shot up even higher….

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Intersection Between Language and Asylum

Respond Crisis Translation volunteer Katie Becker recently graduated with a Master of Arts in Global Security and Borders from Queen’s University Belfast. Her master’s dissertation, (In)credible Fear: Linguistic Refoulement and Indigenous-Language Speakers at the U.S.-Mexico Border, was inspired by her work as a volunteer Spanish translator …

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

I Am Happy That I Can Be That Voice of Help

How Respond’s Kreyòl Interpreters Are Assisting Haitian Migrants at the Southern Border
Many of you have probably seen the horrifying photos from Del Rio, Texas: U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback, chasing Haitian migrants as they attempted to cross the Rio Grande…

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Andrea Vargas Andrea Vargas

Interpreting to Support Queer Youth Like Me

Serving as an English to Spanish simultaneous interpreter for the It Gets Better Project Global Summit 2020 was an amazing experience. It allowed me to be involved in something global designed to help people like me, LGBTQ+ youth. And it was an opportunity to exercise my skills as an interpreter…

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Ariel Koren Ariel Koren

Interpreting therapy sessions

In this article, Romina Galloso, translator, interpreter and Language Outcomes Quality Lead at Respond Crisis Translation, shares her thoughts on her experience working as an interpreter for therapy sessions.

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