
political prisoners in exile


Hundreds of Nicaraguan opposition members have been tortured and imprisoned for years and then had their passport revoked by the dictatorship, left without a citizenship of their own, stateless, because they dared fight back against a totalitarian regime.


Respond Crisis Translation’s Spanish Team has been integral in supporting 222 of these exiled political prisoners alongside our partners at the Texas Nicaragua Community.

Our team is interpreting psychological evaluations, therapy support, and asylum applications for hundreds of political prisoners and torture survivors from Nicaragua, many of whom have spent months in detention upon arriving to the U.S.

“My son has won asylum. This army of people with huge hearts ensured our papers were ready on time. This is a new beginning for my son, an end to the nightmares, the beginning of his freedom.”
- Nicaraguan mother and client of Respond Crisis Translation

Leti Morales, psychologist and founder of @emocion_sana, describes the urgency of this work in this video.

In partnership with the Texas Nicaragua Community, our team has translated hundreds of full asylum packets for Nicaraguan asylum seekers, many experiencing detention. 

"Thanks to the timely and expert translation of documents, we have been able to provide much-needed support to over 45 Nicaraguan nationals seeking asylum. Some of the people we have assisted have spent over 6-10 months in detention before their cases find resolution.”
- Leticia Morales, Texas Nicaraguan Community

Highlighting our Impact:
Partnership with Texas Nicaraguan Community

  • 1,099 cases 

  • 4,592 pages

  • 312,718 words translated

  • # value pro bono (value minus paid)

    • $47,030 value

    • $5,150 invoiced

  • 2,659 people served

“I am fluent in both Spanish and English and have experience translating various texts and interpreting at workshops and college lectures. However, I never received any formal training on how to do so. That’s where Respond came in – they’ve taught me about the different elements of the translation process. It’s like building a puzzle, where every piece is necessary to see the whole picture. Thanks to the resources Respond has provided me with, I have been able to develop my skills in translation and interpretation, accurately conveying the experiences of asylees and refugees and making sure their voices are heard. Given the current record levels of migration in the U.S., where government agencies only accept documents in English, it’s crucial that translations are done properly to avoid cases being denied due to unfaithful translation. I also appreciate the feedback from project managers, which helps me improve continuously.

Moreover, Respond has opened my eyes to the concept of vicarious trauma, and the tips they’ve given me have been invaluable in protecting my mental health. Through all of this, I have learned that with determination and the right resources, we can make a real difference in the world. I am proud to be a part of Respond’s life-changing mission and to use my skills to help others.”

— Irene*, Respond translator from Nicaragua (*pseudonym)